Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Justin!

Today Justin is 28. I know this isn't the clearest picture, but there's something I love about it... it looks like a throwback, and it was taken on a really good day. His spirit comes through. And as long as I'm being sappy talking about things like his spirit, I'm going to take an idea from Kara Graves and what she did for Josh's birthday a few months ago--here is a list of the 28 very best things about my hubs.

1. His sense of humor... and how he makes everyone laugh
2. How much he appreciates my cooking, and always says he can taste the love in everything I make
3. His trustworthy-ness
4. His heart for serving others, no matter the time of day or the scope of the problem
5. How he takes care of me
6. His quiet, unassuming leadership skills
7. Those blue, blue eyes
8. His diehard love for the Tigers
9. How he desires to always be a better person
10. His appreciation for simple pleasures... a walk around the neighborhood, s'mores by a bonfire, reading in the hammock
11. How he makes me feel like the "most beautiful girl in the world." Not sure how I tricked him, but he seems to really believe this is true!
12. His sense of pride in taking care of the things God has given us
13. How he loves to play games, and never lets me win
14. Our shared love (and understanding) of "Disney Magic." Can't wait to share this with our kiddos!
15. His appreciation for history, and sense of patriotism
16. The way kids (of all ages) love him, and relate to him, and trust him
17. His humble-ness
18. How he calls my mom and uses fake voices, and I can hear her laugh through the phone
19. His million freckles
20. His desire to see the world
21. His ambition to further his education, and how hard he's working
22. How he always says "vehicle" instead of car
23. How special he makes me feel on a daily basis
24. His love for the Lord
25. His minimalist approach to life, and independence from conformity
26. How good he looks in a shirt and tie
27. His appreciation of the Earth, from the vastness of the ocean to the beauty of a crisp fall day
28. How I know (and have known, and been excited to see, for 7 years) that he will be the Best. Dad. Ever.

Happy birthday bud... you're the best!


Tamara said...

What a great post about a great guy! Happy Birthday, Justin!

jordan said...

happy birthday justin!!!!