Monday, February 2, 2009

Five Weeks

Believe it or not (we barely can), but five weeks ago right now I was at the hospital, in labor with our sweet Wyatt. We're definitely in that "time is flying by/but doesn't it feel like he's been here forever" phase. Here are a few of our favorite recent photos:

My cutie boys:

Trying to capture a sleepy smile on Valentine's Day:

Possibly Wyatt's cutest picture yet:

I thought it might be a good time to write a summary of his birth day for all the inquiring minds who want to know... so... here it is. I woke up at 6am not feeling well, and later realized I could time my not-feeling-well-feelings--contractions! I think they were about 7 minutes apart at that point, and I hadn't had a single one previously, so that seemed like a lot to me. Finally I got up and got ready for work, anxious to just sit at my desk and time them for awhile... I had a check-up scheduled at 1pm and decided I wouldn't do anything before then. So I got to work (where I told Elliot I might be in labor... which I'm sure he loooved hearing), and began timing the contractions. Until 11am they were consistently 6 minutes apart, and then at 11 they suddenly just stopped. Then let's just say around 11:45 my water broke!

I left work in a hurry and called the doctor's office, and the doctor told me to go home and get my bags (and my husband) and come in for my appointment. We rushed around the house grabbing bags, and I have to admit I cleaned up the kitchen and emptied the dishwasher. :) Got to the doctor and found out I was dialated to a 4. Drove across the street to the hospital, called my mom on the way, and then was admitted to triage around 1:45pm. We waited there for what felt like a year, and during this time my contractions came back hardcore. There also wasn't any phone/internet reception in there, so we couldn't let anyone else--Stephanie, Justin's parents--know what was happening... super frustrating. Anyway, we finally got into a room where I managed to change and meet our delivery nurse, Margarita. After sitting there about 10 minutes I totally caved and decided I wanted the epidural that I said my whole pregnancy I didn't want. Luckily I was able to get it very quickly, and it was perfect. Instantly I felt completely relaxed! My parents got there during this time and I said I'd like to see my mom.

Margarita wanted to check me before anyone came back because my contractions were so close together... she said, "at the rate you're going you could be a 6 or 7 by now." Then all of a sudden I heard, "you are dialated to a 9! If you want to see anyone they need to come back RIGHT NOW!" We hadn't brought our bags in yet, so we had no camera at this point. Justin went and got my mom and sent my dad for our stuff... this was at 3:50pm. We visited with them both for about 10 minutes and then Margarita sent them out and told me I had to push! I think that started at about 4:15pm and at 5:05, Wyatt was born. And that's when the real adventure began!

Joyful, Joyful

Wyatt James arrived on Tuesday, January 20... and we haven't been able to stop staring at him since. In fact, that's why it's taken two weeks to blog about him. I'm just going to post some pictures right now... his birth story is pretty awesome, so I'll save it to share another day. Suffice it to say I worked until noon and he was born at 5:05pm. :)

He is completely perfect, 6lbs 6oz and 19 inches long... with more hair than anyone can believe (except for me--I was sure he would have a ton of hair and had the heartburn to back it up)! He is such a joy.

Our cups overflow!