Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Our appointment today went well and there's no doubt he's a boy. :)  It's so exciting to have more of a concrete identity for this baby! The only hitch was that he was apparently pretty sleepy today, laying facedown straight across my midsection, and despite a walk and lots of poking and proding he wouldn't budge... so the sonographer couldn't access all the areas of his heart that need to be checked and measured. Not a big deal, I just have to go back later this week for part 2. Thankfully, everything she was able to see (spine, hands, feet, kidneys, etc) looked perfect. He is measuring about 9 oz, in the 50th percentile.

It's been a very long day--I'm exhausted--so that's it for now. Thank you for thinking of us and for all the sweet comments!


Dan and Kate plus Nate said...

Yeah! Another boy for Nate to play with! That is awesome. Congrats!

Lindsay said...

So exciting!! I love it when boys are the big brothers. Congrats to you and Justin!!

Kara Miller said...

Hey blog friend, you didn't tell me! Congrats!...I guess I was off on guessing a girl. Way cool.

Rebekah said...

Yah!!!! Can't wait to meet HIM. :)