Thursday, May 22, 2008

Seriously... what is going on here?

Has anyone else noticed an obscene amount of tragedy in recent weeks? World events aside (which is saying a lot, considering the scope and magnitude of natural disasters that have occured), I'm speaking of deep, profound, personal loss, right here on the homefront.  Not those who've died of old age (although there have been three at church in as many weeks, after a long, long period free from funerals.)

In the last week, we had a friend lose his dad at age 48 to a heart attack while he slept.  Other friends whose perfectly healthy baby died at 38 weeks when his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck in the womb. People we know of who were killed when a drunk driver hit their motorcycle head-on on Telegraph Rd.  A Christian music superstar whose daughter was accidentally run over by her brother backing out of the driveway at their Nashville home.

It's just hard to believe, hard to accept, and especially, hard to get off my mind.  I feel weighted by this burden of sorrow.

Ironically, in these same times of devastation, some people continue to experience great joys of their own.  Yesterday other friends welcomed a daughter, and this weekend still others will marry.  The world keeps moving forward, even when one person may feel that in his life it has stopped completely.

The Bible says there's a season for everything, including both mourning and dancing.  I suppose we can only pray that God will strengthen those who feel they will never be strong again, and that he will bear their grief as only he can.  May he use us as vessels to bring peace and healing!


jordan said...

that's so sad :(

StephandJason said...

It is so strange that you posted this because just TODAY I was watching CNN at work and that thought crossed my really is a little scary but thank goodness that God does everything for a reason and ultimately His plan is best!!