Monday, July 21, 2008

Looking back on a good weekend

No, I don't mean this one, although it was pretty good. Justin came home from a week at MCYC on Friday and it triggered a memory of this same weekend last summer. Since that was pre-blog, I thought I'd give a little recap of one of our best weekends of 2007. Brace yourselves... 

Justin and I love LOVE Harry Potter. We got into the books much later than the rest of the world, but quickly became crazy analytic fans... they are just that good and we couldn't help ourselves. Especially me--because, if you know me well, you know that I do not merely like my favorite things in life. When something touches my core, it becomes a near obsession and I want to learn every detail about it. I like to think I just love passionately, and it applies to everything in my life... other people probably think I'm a little overboard. Anyway, I could go on, but you get the idea. With the release of the final book in the Harry Potter series looming last summer, we were beside ourselves.

Justin spent the week prior at camp. I went out on Thursday and bought all our favorite snacks. We'd made a plan not to leave the house until we finished reading, to avoid potential spoilers, so I knew we'd need sustinence! Friday morning I went to Barnes and Noble to get wristbands, which marked our places in line... #77 and #78 (yes, we pre-ordered two books). Went to work for the day, then came home to meet Justin, who I think had just enough time for a shower before jumping in the car to go to the Tigers game (side note: in addition to it being the Summer of HP, it was also the Summer of the Tigers--Justin had season tickets for the first time and went to nearly all 27 games in the plan). I actually cannot believe I'm posting this, but I made a sign for the occasion:

Before you judge too harshly, I did NOT hold it up during the game... I was too embarrased. Truthfully, I only made it because I thought it might get us on TV. Anyway, I still insisted that we take a picture before we left, although Justin didn't want to be seen with it (or me, probably, at that point). We drove from Comerica to Barnes and Noble, where we found all kinds of cool things going on as everyone waited for midnight.

After that, things happened pretty fast... we were out of the store with our books by ten minutes past midnight, and managed to get home spoiler-free (I may or may not have been listening to my iPod as we walked to the car). Read a couple of chapters before going to sleep, then had a reading marathon on Saturday with Chubby Hubby, chips and salsa, etc. We both finished the book late that night and then were able to have a nice, relaxing Sunday going back over our favorite parts.

Anyway, that's about it... as I started by saying, all those memories just came back to me as I waited for Justin to get home from camp on Friday. Unlike last year, it didn't turn out to be a very exciting night... just some grilling, Tigers game on TV, and then a very tired husband passed out on the couch. Still, a relaxing Friday is not bad at all.

Oh, and as for the book itself? I loved it.


Lindsay said...

What a fun weekend!! I myself caught on to the Harry Potter craze, but I'm just now on book 4 and I've never seen the movies...I'm waiting til I'm done with all of the books which may take awhile. There's no way that I read fast enough to finish a book in one weekend.

MCYC huh? I think I have a few memories from there. Could it really have been almost 16 years ago???

jordan said...

wow. i am not really a harry potter person but my mom sure is! u guys are so lucky to have gone to that game i dont think i have been to a game this season! :( adn i would have thought justin would be the one holdin up the sign! i didnt kno he gets embarrassed lol jk!!!!