Keith and Tarah's wedding was... what can I say? A great occasion. Friday turned out to be a gorgeous day, despite previous forecasts calling for clouds and rain... which worked out for the best, since the sunshine perfectly complimented the Tiffany blue and hot pink color palette--a stunning combination! Although I had my camera with me throughout the rehearsal and wedding day, I never once got it out, choosing instead to just enjoy the moment. Luckily many of the other people around didn't make that same choice, so hopefully I'll be able to collect pictures soon from my Aunt Donna, Jamie, Steph, etc. In the meantime, Jeff (of sent over some teaser photos yesterday morning that I thought I'd share. Jeff did a fantastic job, and I heard raving compliments about him throughout the day. It made me feel great that 1) the recommendation worked out, and 2) we had a friend with a vested personal interest, aside from the obvious professional one, there to capture the day. Anyway, without further delay, a few of Jeff's teasers...
I have a feeling that even when we've seen all 800+ images, this will remain one of my favorites:

It's hard to go to a wedding, or especially stand in one, and not remember those vows we made four years ago. I anticipate feeling that way throughout my life, getting to relive the commitment over and over again as I watch each new couple make it for the first time. When it's someone in your family, I think it becomes even more significant, because there's a sense of gaining someone new to love and cherish as a part of the bigger whole--almost like we're all involved in the commitment. Tarah has been a part of our family for a long time now, but knowing she's finally locked in, so to speak, is pretty special! I told Keith years ago that he better not mess this one up, because Tarah was such a keeper... and I'm so grateful that he never did. :)
Now they're off on an adventurous Californian honeymoon, and we of course wish them all the best as they begin a beautiful life together. Good weekend!